Session Start: Sat Nov 04 15:48:07 2000
*** Now talking in #DigimonRPG
*** Topic is 'Welcome To the Digital World! ( Episode Title: Some Legends Never Die (Mimi_Tachikawa)'
*** Set by Mimi_Tachikawa on Sat Oct 28 12:56:30
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mimi_Tachikawa
*** Mimi_Tachikawa sets mode: +oo Joe_Kido Yamato_Ishida
<Yamato_Ishida> Hey Mimi!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I have ARRIVED!
<TK_Takaishi> Hi Mimi
<Yamato_Ishida> TK! You're alive!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Hiyas, hiyas!
<Joe_Kido> Quick, everyone start bowing!
* Cody_Hida bows
*** Taichi_Kamiya has joined #DigimonRPG
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Taichi_Kamiya
<Taichi_Kamiya> Heyas, people!
* Cody_Hida Upamon tries to bow, but falls on face
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Hi Tai! ^^
<Yamato_Ishida> Tai! Hey welcome back.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I know Kari's going to be able to make it, too...soooo.
*TK_Takaishi* I talked to Kari the other day, she might be here later depending on how long the game lasts
<Cody_Hida> >My, Tai it's good too see you.<
-> *TK_Takaishi* Well, she e-mailed me telling me she could make it...
<Taichi_Kamiya> Good to see you again, Lissa.
<Yamato_Ishida> Okay so that's everyone but...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Yolei never sent word to me...
<Taichi_Kamiya> >*yawn* So that's who Yan was talking about.<
*TK_Takaishi* I've been waiting for her for a while, she hasn't been on since Thursday
<Taichi_Kamiya> Oh, great, he's up now. =p
<Yamato_Ishida> And Izzy?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> so I'm not sure about her...and golly, I haven't heard from Izzy at all.
<Taichi_Kamiya> >I told you I'd be up for the session.<
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I might try to get a hold of Izzy, and see if she would like to give up the role, since she's never around. ^^;
<Taichi_Kamiya> So are we gonna wait around or resume?
<Cody_Hida> >show time! **Makes Poppers for everyone** <
<Yamato_Ishida> So what's the outline for this story?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Welpers, I say we resume here and now. ^^ Since we don't know exactly when Kari is going to show up--
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ..but I know Sora's supposed to be here.
<Cody_Hida> >Another five minutes?<
<Yamato_Ishida> Story? Plot? What is?
<Taichi_Kamiya> >She can jump in any time.<
<Mimi_Tachikawa> okee, then let's start up now. ^^
<Taichi_Kamiya> Haven't you been following along, Matt?
*TK_Takaishi* It's strange... you know me and her were planning to include some Takari in the game, right?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> you didn't miss anything from last week, as far as I know...
-> *TK_Takaishi* of course. ^^ I have no objections...
<Yamato_Ishida> ... Nothing happened last week
<Taichi_Kamiya> Pretty much because nothing happened last week. Hardly anyone showed up.
*TK_Takaishi* I know... but it's strange... I think I'm really in love with her... ^^;;;;;;
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Let's get going!<
* Mimi_Tachikawa nervously sweatdrops. 1"And I had to bail on them."
-> *TK_Takaishi* Be careful. Internet relationships are really sticky.
<Yamato_Ishida> Exactly! It's hard to improve a script without an outline of the plot
*TK_Takaishi* I know...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> but it was for a good cause!
<Cody_Hida> >We believe you<
<Yamato_Ishida> That's good
*** Sora_Takenouchi has joined #digimonRPG
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sora_Takenouchi
<Mimi_Tachikawa> anyhoo! Ready to go in character?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> There's Sora!
* Sora_Takenouchi wavies!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *sigh* TK, you have a log of the last session, right?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I have one somewhere as well...
*TK_Takaishi* Sticky is my online love life, in my last RPG, all 5 female members had big crushes on me at some point and some still do :P
* Mimi_Tachikawa furrows her brow. 1"Somewhere..."
<Taichi_Kamiya> Send one to Matt to refresh his memory.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I wonder if I can find it..
<TK_Takaishi> Ok
<Joe_Kido> All I remember is Tai's author dressing everyone up in women's clothing.
* Mimi_Tachikawa sweatdrops.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> no way you could do that without me here!!! ;.;
<Sora_Takenouchi> lol
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Hey, that was just to kill some time and assert my power.<
<Mimi_Tachikawa> TK, can you send Matt a copy?
<Cody_Hida> Could I have one too/her than that,I'm jazzed, I'm pumped I'm 4 ready to go!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I have no idea where mine is in the mess of files I have...
<TK_Takaishi> Sure
<Mimi_Tachikawa> okee! IC!
<Cody_Hida> danke
<Taichi_Kamiya> >About friggin' time...<
<Taichi_Kamiya> ***IC RESUME!***
<Taichi_Kamiya> *As the others plan their next move, Mimi tries to figure a way out of the labyrinth she was sent to.*
* Mimi_Tachikawa rests a hand on a wall, and pauses.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...of all the places I had to be zapped to, it -had- to be dreary, didn't it?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...any flowers? Any birds? Nooooo...
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The sound of a motor revving catches Mimi's attention and loses it just as quickly.*
* Mimi_Tachikawa blinks.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...okee...
* Mimi_Tachikawa puts a hand on her hip.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I must've landed rougher than I thought...
<Taichi_Kamiya> *A chainsaw cuts through the wall just ahead of Mimi, creating a hole and dropping the metal.*
* Mimi_Tachikawa screams, and jumps back.
* Mimi_Tachikawa continues holds up an arm in defense, and slowly begins to step backward...
<Taichi_Kamiya> *A strange Digimon, dark-colored with no legs, a wide grin, and a chainsaw in one hand, floats through and spots Mimi.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> Oh, a human! You're the second one I've seen in a long time!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...eyuh....
* Mimi_Tachikawa screams at the top of her lungs, and throws her purse at it. 1"STAY AWAY!!!"
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon>*catching the purse* I don't get it. I come here to help you out and you start throwing things at me.
* Mimi_Tachikawa begins to cry.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I don't even have a Digimon to help me this tiiiiiiiime!!!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> hair, easily excitable... Your name wouldn't happen to be Mimi, would it?
* Mimi_Tachikawa points at it. 1"You better not think I won't give a fight! I may be alone, I may be helpless, I may be--"
* Mimi_Tachikawa snatches her purse back.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> What are you doing with that?!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Don't you realize that a lady's purse is for her eyes only?!
* Mimi_Tachikawa hmphs, and throws the strap over her shoulder.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> I didn't look in it! Sheesh, you must definately be Mimi. Why that Palmon hangs around with you is beyond me.
* Mimi_Tachikawa turns back around to look at him.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...Palmon?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> EXCUSE ME!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> Yeah, she got lost and ended up at my master's castle.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon just HAPPENS to LOVE me!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...she...
* Mimi_Tachikawa raises an eyebrow.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> How did you know...?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> The voice. Dead giveaway that it was a girl.
* Mimi_Tachikawa folds her arms, and replies in a sing-song voice. 1"But I could
<Mimi_Tachikawa> eep. --;
<Mimi_Tachikawa> But I could've been Sooooraaa...
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> Listen, you wanna get out of this maze or not?
* Mimi_Tachikawa gives the Digimon a skeptical look.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Well...
* Mimi_Tachikawa pauses.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...if you ask -nicely-.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> Me ask nicely?!? Listen, I personally would just leave you here, but my master ordered me to help guide whoever landed in his maze to the castle.
* Mimi_Tachikawa smiles, and shrugs.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Well, if your "master" -so- desperately wants to meet me...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...who am I to deprive him?
* Mimi_Tachikawa laughs to herself.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The Digimon looks up and sighs, "Why me?"
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Well? Lead the way!
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* y'know, we can have two separate scenes going on at the same time...let's not neglect the other players...have Tai and the others doing something elsewhere at the same time. ^^
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Digimon> Yeah, yeah. By the way, the name's Giromon.
*Taichi_Kamiya* I know. I was planning on something like that.
<Taichi_Kamiya> **DIGIMON DATA SHEET!**
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> Just because I have a chainsaw and a toothy grin doesn't mean I'm just a pretty face with a power tool. My Deadly Bomb technique will blow my enemies away as well as blow 'em up!
<Taichi_Kamiya> **END DATA SHEET**
<Mimi_Tachikawa> who is this "master" of yours? Is he totally rich or something?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> You'll see for yourself. This way. *turns and floats back through the hole he made*
* Mimi_Tachikawa steps up to the hole, taking a look at the clean cut through the metal. She then steps through...
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Meanwhile, Tai and the others begin their search for Mimi.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> There's no sign of her on the Digivice... Something must be blocking out the signal or something...
*Sora_Takenouchi* Do we have our digimon? i dont remember >.<
<Mimi_Tachikawa> about a grand entrance...
-> *Sora_Takenouchi* You guys do. I don't yet.
* Cody_Hida shouts 1 MIMI!!
* Mimi_Tachikawa follows behind Giromon, and rubs her arms. 1"Why does this place have to be so cold?"
*TK_Takaishi* So now that Michael and Willis are out, will you be putting them up as characters?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> It's not my fault the master doesn't spring for heating in here. Besides, it's not like he's had a lot of time to come out here and wander around.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> I'm not liking this one bit. I have this creepy feeling, you guys.
*** Demitri_Alstaf has joined #DigimonRPG
<Demitri_Alstaf> Hello
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Agumon> Something about those pictures back in the cave?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> Something like that...
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Heyas. We're ICing right now.)
-> *TK_Takaishi* Maybe. ^^ Do you think there's a desire for them?
<Demitri_Alstaf> (hello sorry...wonderin how to join)
<Mimi_Tachikawa> (I have it taken care of, folks. ^^)
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...why doesn't he?
*TK_Takaishi* Maybe, I know I'd want to have a character with the reformed Seadramon :P
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ..I mean, he's your master, can't he do that?
-> *TK_Takaishi* lol. ^^ True...but he sure had an obnoxious dub voice.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> Let's just say he became a recluse some time ago, but now he's working to change that. It's a slow process, rejoining the outside world.
*TK_Takaishi* Yeah, sounded like some knight you'd see in a midevil movie
-> *TK_Takaishi* I wanted to strangle him. --;
*** Cody_Hida has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...oh...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> .oO(...okay...I think...)
*TK_Takaishi* Well at least he has a good Digimon... if it ever goes Mega the Digidestined will have a Dark Master on their team :P
<Taichi_Kamiya> *After a bit of wandering in the maze, Giromon and Mimi emerge in front of a large castle.*
*** Cody_Hida has joined #DigimonRPG
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Cody_Hida
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> Well, this is it. Not exactly much, but it's what the master calls home.
<Taichi_Kamiya> (WB, Cody.)
<Mimi_Tachikawa> (okaeri, Cody!)
* Mimi_Tachikawa 's eyes widen.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...a castle...?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Hmm!
* Mimi_Tachikawa shrugs, and smiles confidently.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> fitting.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Giromon floats up to the front door and opens it up, "Master! I found the one inside the maze. It's a human!"
* Mimi_Tachikawa gives Giromon a "look".
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I'm not a human! I'm a GIRL!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...I mean...
<Taichi_Kamiya> *A figure steps down a flight of stairs, stopping at the base. It's...another human! The dark hair and sparkling blue eyes give him an almost regal appearence, along with his clothing.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Master> So it is. Good work, Giromon.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon>*bowing* Thank you, master.
* Mimi_Tachikawa gets starry eyed.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Master> Inform the servants to set the table for three, Giromon.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> As you wish, master. *floats off*
-> *TK_Takaishi* Do you remember Michael's rookie Digimon's name?
* Mimi_Tachikawa blinks. 1"Three?"
*TK_Takaishi* Of course ^_^ Betamon
* Mimi_Tachikawa flatly stares at this guy.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...excuse me, but...
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Master> You, myself, and your friend, Palmon.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...that Giromon guy isn't going to eat with us, is he?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...Palmon?
-> *TK_Takaishi* And Michael doesn't have a last name, either...--;;;
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Master> Yes, didn't Giromon tell you about Palmon finding her way here?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...oh yeah...
*** Demitri_Alstaf is now known as USdigidestined_Micheal
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Master> Oh, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. I am called Analogman.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...are you a a Digimon?
* Mimi_Tachikawa begins to look him over, tugging a bit at his clothes.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <quietly mutters to self> ...`cause you sure don't look it...
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman>*chuckling* You could say that, although I lack any special attributes.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> I'm not the only one. My old friend, Gennai, is like me.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> know Gennai?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Yes, very well.
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* How old does Analogman look?
*Taichi_Kamiya* About twenty or so.
* Mimi_Tachikawa once again quietly mutters. 1"...must be your grandpa or something..."
*** USdigidestined_Micheal is now known as `Michael`
*Taichi_Kamiya* Say, until the person playing Palmon shows up, are you gonna play her?
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Yeah. ^^
*Taichi_Kamiya* K
*Taichi_Kamiya* Just asking becuase I figure now would be a good time for Palmon and Mimi to be reunited in joy.
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Shouldn't they enter a room first? Maybe Palmon's waiting there for them...
*Taichi_Kamiya* I know
-> */msg* Taichi_Kamiya Michael's going to come into the picture.
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Before I bring in Palmon, why not do something with that?
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* He's going to approach you, I guess he could startle you or something...
* Sora_Takenouchi pokies people. o.o
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Ack! I meant to tell you Michael's coming into the picture.
*Taichi_Kamiya* Huh?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> just a sec! ^^;
*Taichi_Kamiya* Ah
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> This way. *leads Mimi into the dining room where Palmon is waiting for them*
<`Michael`> (seen cuts back to Tai and the others searching for mimi....when suddenly Michael the other Us digidestined runs up to them)
<`Michael`> Hey Guys wait up!
<Taichi_Kamiya> (I was typing.)
<Yamato_Ishida> Huh? Do we... know you?
* Mimi_Tachikawa follows Analogman, and looks expectantly into the room.
* `Michael` runs up to Tai
<Taichi_Kamiya> And you are?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Mimi!!
<`Michael`> I'm Mimis friend from the US
<`Michael`> i'm also a digidestined
-> [Joe_Kido] PING
[Joe_Kido PING reply]: 0 secs
<`Michael`> this is my digimon Betamon
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...Palmon?
<Taichi_Kamiya> Oh, you must be Michael! Nice to meet you. I'm Tai and this is Agumon.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Agumon> Hi!
<`Michael`> good to meet ya
<`Michael`> <Betamon> Hello Everyone!
* Mimi_Tachikawa runs up to her Digimon, and kneels next to her. 1"You lucky Digimon! How long have you been here?!"
<Cody_Hida> Hi! It's Been a while
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* How long has Palmon been there?
<`Michael`> Hey
*Taichi_Kamiya* About a week or so.
<TK_Takaishi> Glad to see you could make it, Michael
<`Michael`> I recieved an e-mail from Izzy saying Mimi was in trouble so i decided to come help
<Cody_Hida> It's certainly appreciated, but how did you find us?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Only a week, but this place is fantastic!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Jewelmon wanders up and sniffs Michael's pocket.*
<`Michael`> Izzy gave me your location
<`Michael`> what kind of digimon are you?
<Cody_Hida> <Armadillomon> Good ol' Izzy.
<Yamato_Ishida> <Gabumon> Jewlmon! That's rude! Humans don't like that!
<Yamato_Ishida> <Gabumon>... Does he have candy?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> Hey, I got a whiff of chocolate and traced it here.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I bet it is! Living in a castle, getting treated like a princess, right?!
* `Michael` pulls out a chacolate bar from his pocket
<`Michael`> oh this!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> That's it! Can I have it, please?
* `Michael` hands it to Jewelmon
<`Michael`> you can have it
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Jewelmon takes the chocolate and scarfs it down, "Thanks! I love sugar treats, especially chocolate!"
*** Mimi_Tachikawa sets mode: +o `Michael`
*** gRuNdG3-b3aT has joined #DigimonRPG
<Mimi_Tachikawa> (almost forgot. ^^)
*** gRuNdG3-b0t has joined #DigimonRPG
<Yamato_Ishida> ... You kindda sound like Mimi when you say that
<gRuNdG3-b3aT> hello all
<`Michael`> So anyone know where Mimi could be?
<gRuNdG3-b0t> iG Script Beta 1.0 [mp3] Nirvana-Smells like teen spirit.mp3 [bit: 128kbps]
* Taichi_Kamiya shrugs, "Her signal's being blocked out."
<gRuNdG3-b3aT> how is everyone
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Do you mind?! We're in the middle of an IC here."
<gRuNdG3-b3aT> my bad
<`Michael`> Hmmm
<gRuNdG3-b3aT> I'm just trying to be polite
<Taichi_Kamiya> (It's not that, but if you're not going to participate, kindly talk OOC like this.)
<gRuNdG3-b3aT> oh ok
<`Michael`> (i'm new but i know it would be appreciated)
* gRuNdG3-b3aT shurgs and decides to participate
<Yamato_Ishida> Well, if we knew where Mimi was, we wouldn't be wandering around shouting "Mimi where are you" this much.
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Do you even know about the story?)
<`Michael`> Heh you do have a point
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Don't worry about him. I'll talk to him in private so it won't disturb the RPG)
*** TK_Takaishi sets mode: +m
*** gRuNdG3-b0t has left #DigimonRPG
<`Michael`> (yeah....have you watched the show?)
*Taichi_Kamiya* Okay
*** `Michael` sets mode: +v gRuNdG3-b3aT
<`Michael`> (he does need voice if its moderated)
<Taichi_Kamiya> (*shrugs*)
<Sora_Takenouchi> (what does voice do anyways? o.o)
<`Michael`> (if its moderated he can't talk without voice)
<Taichi_Kamiya> Well, we can certainly use the extra help, Michael.
<`Michael`> Anytime
*** gRuNdG3-b0t has joined #DigimonRPG
*** `Michael` sets mode: -v gRuNdG3-b3aT
<Yamato_Ishida> Yeah, my voice is getting strained.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> Especially if you have more chocolate!
*** TK_Takaishi sets mode: +s
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Agumon> Jewelmon!
<`Michael`> (sorry but i gtg......i'll make it where i go off alone to look for Mimi if thats ok)
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Jewelmon shrugs sheepishly, "Sorry, but when it comes to chocolate, I lose it."
<Taichi_Kamiya> (S'okay.)
<`Michael`> heh
*** Davis_Motomiya has joined #DigimonRPG
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Davis finally joins the story! Heyas!)
<`Michael`> Well i'll go this way and look for Mimi and e-mail you if i find her if you want....i mean it would make it easier to find her
<Joe_Kido> (Wow, we got a Davis!)
*** Mimi_Tachikawa sets mode: +o Davis_Motomiya
<Mimi_Tachikawa> yeah. ^^;
<Taichi_Kamiya> That works. Good luck, Michael!
<`Michael`> Good Luck to all of you also.
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Shouldn't someone go with him so he doesn't roleplay by himself?
<Joe_Kido> I've got a feeling we'll need it...
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Please sit. Dinner will be served shortly.
* `Michael` says his goodbyes and runs off with Betamon to look for Mimi
*Taichi_Kamiya* He has to go.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Do as he says, Mimi! This place has wonderful eats!
<`Michael`> (later on)
<Davis_Motomiya> hey do you mind if I op my bot
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Oh! okee!
*** gRuNdG3-b3aT has left #DigimonRPG
*** `Michael` has quit IRC
<Davis_Motomiya> k
<Taichi_Kamiya> (We really don't use bots in here, and don't forget about the OOC rule.)
*Cody_Hida* ^_^
* Mimi_Tachikawa nods.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I'm starved, too!
*** Davis-Motomiya has joined #DigimonRPG
*Cody_Hida* do you nkow that newcomer with the unpronouncable ic name?
-> *Cody_Hida* it was Davis's other nick.
*** Mimi_Tachikawa sets mode: +o Davis-Motomiya
*** Davis_Motomiya was kicked by Davis-Motomiya (Davis-Motomiya)
*Cody_Hida* ah. There's one other odd Ic nick listed.
*** [shino]-[bot] has joined #DigimonRPG
<Mimi_Tachikawa> wouldn't have been a problem if Yolei was around...
*** gRuNdG3-b0t was kicked by Davis-Motomiya (Davis-Motomiya)
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...but somehow she wound up stuck with the others. --;
*** [shino]-[bot] is now known as gRuNdG3-b0t
* Davis-Motomiya yawns
*TK_Takaishi* Guess I've got a rival, now... o.o;
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* Okee...welpers, are you guys going to keep looking for me, or am I going to be lost forever? ;.;
<Cody_Hida> Davis, Do you have any idea where we could find Mimi?
[Davis-Motomiya:#DigimonRPG AWAY] CORNDAWGS BLOW!! It's true, it's true
<Davis-Motomiya> BRB
*Taichi_Kamiya* We are looking for you.
[Davis-Motomiya:#DigimonRPG AWAY]
<Taichi_Kamiya> (*sigh*)
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* ^^ But you guys are awfully quiet...
[Davis-Motomiya:#DigimonRPG AWAY] CORNDAWGS BLOW!! It's true, it's true + I'm reading the copy of last session to get back up to spped
[Davis-Motomiya:#DigimonRPG AWAY]
[Davis-Motomiya:#DigimonRPG AWAY] CORNDAWGS BLOW!! It's true, it's true + I'm reading the copy of last session to get back up to speed
<Mimi_Tachikawa> (^^;)
<Taichi_Kamiya> *A very elegant meal is set before the threesome.*
*Taichi_Kamiya* *shrugs*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Dig in.
* Mimi_Tachikawa and Palmon get watery eyed...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> exotic...!
<Davis-Motomiya> lol
<Davis-Motomiya> I'm back
[Davis-Motomiya:#DigimonRPG AWAY]
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> It tastes better than it looks!
* Cody_Hida shakes Davis' shoulder. 1 Davis?
* Mimi_Tachikawa sits at the table, and lifts a fork and knife. 1"Well, you don't have to tell -me- twice!"
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Unless you're talking in character, use these! (text))
* Mimi_Tachikawa begins to cut a small piece of the fish on her plate, and tastes it.
* Davis-Motomiya looks at cody. "Yeah Cody"
<Mimi_Tachikawa>'s perfect...;.;
<Cody_Hida> I'm sorry Davis, You just seemed distracted.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Analogman cuts into his steak and chews it, "Yes, the cook does a marvelous job."
<Davis-Motomiya> Actually I was
<Taichi_Kamiya> What's the matter, Davis?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Yeah! Send my compliments!
<Davis-Motomiya> Nothing really I was just thinking about something
<Taichi_Kamiya> *A roll slips out of Palmon's grip and rolls under a curtain.*
<Cody_Hida> Oh. Were you coming up with a plan on how to find Mimi?
<Cody_Hida> <Armadillomon> Someone otta.
<Davis-Motomiya> Ye....ah thats it
<Davis-Motomiya> heh heh
* Davis-Motomiya scratches his head
<Davis-Motomiya> I'm no leader
<Davis-Motomiya> even though I try to be
* Mimi_Tachikawa turns to Palmon, and laughs.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon, stay in your seat while eating! Standing is bad manners!
* Davis-Motomiya looks at the ground
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> But I can't reach the plate when I sit!
* Davis-Motomiya sighs
<Sora_Takenouchi> Hey, everyone has to learn. As long as you do your best, thats good enough.
<Davis-Motomiya> I guess so
*Taichi_Kamiya* Don't forget Palmon dropped a roll so perhaps she should get it? *hint hint*
<Cody_Hida> Hmmm... I don't think leadership is easy for anyone, isn't it
<Cody_Hida> Tai?
<Davis-Motomiya> Anyway enough about my problems lets try to figure out how we're Mimi is
<Taichi_Kamiya> Hey, being a leader is no easy task, Davis. Believe me, I've made my share of mistakes in the past.
* Davis-Motomiya nods
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> *hops off the chair to retrieve the roll she dropped earlier*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon! Don't pick that up! Who know's how clean the floor is!
* Davis-Motomiya sits on the ground and begins to think for a bit
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> But having the roll there just makes it messier!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Once Palmon is behind the curtain, she sees a sight that scares the living daylights out of her.*
* Davis-Motomiya wonders how Mimi is doing
<Cody_Hida> Maybe those of us with flying digimon should start scanning the horizon?
<Davis-Motomiya> that would be a good idea
<Taichi_Kamiya> Hey, that's a good point.
<Davis-Motomiya> the rest of us should split up and search by foot
<Davis-Motomiya> we'll cover more ground that way
<Sora_Takenouchi> (I'm still playing Biyomon, right?)
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Yep)
<Davis-Motomiya> or we could split into groups of two
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> MIMIIII!!!
* Mimi_Tachikawa drops her silverware.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon?! What is it?!
* Mimi_Tachikawa stands up from her chair, knocking it over.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Analogman frowns, .o0(Not yet...)
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* What is it?
* Davis-Motomiya yawns
* Davis-Motomiya is so bored
*Taichi_Kamiya* Just have Palmon step back and accidently bring the curtain down. I'll explain the sight.
*** Davis-Motomiya is now known as Davi
*** Davi is now known as Davis_Motomiya
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> *backs into the curtain she is behind, and it unhinges from the ceiling*
<Cody_Hida> Okay, Davis, That's a good idea. So who goes with who? And where do we meet?
<Davis_Motomiya> you choose
<Cody_Hida> ...Me?
<Yamato_Ishida> Cody?
<Davis_Motomiya> yeah
<Davis_Motomiya> I trust him
<Davis_Motomiya> to make the right decision
<Yamato_Ishida> ... Smart move
<Davis_Motomiya> heh
*TK_Takaishi* is about the time I wish Kari was here...
<Davis_Motomiya> he's gotta start somewhere right???
* Cody_Hida blushes humbly.
<Davis_Motomiya> Ok cody
<Davis_Motomiya> take your pick
-> *TK_Takaishi* Tell me about it.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *As the curtain falls, the sight that scared Palmon is revealed. Gennai is standing there, turned into a statue. The expression on his face indicates an immense sense of fear.*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon! What---
* Mimi_Tachikawa runs towards Palmon, and freezes in her tracks as she sees the statue.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ....
<Cody_Hida> Well...
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman>*rising* So, you discovered my most cherished trophy.
* Mimi_Tachikawa backs up a bit.
* Mimi_Tachikawa spins around to face Analogman.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...what is...?!
<Davis_Motomiya> You should pick teams that are well balanced so that the ratio of winning in case one of us gets into a fight is high
<Davis_Motomiya> at least thats what I would but its up to you
* Cody_Hida closes his eyes to meditate.
* Davis_Motomiya picks up V mon
<Davis_Motomiya> have you decided yet
<Cody_Hida> That is a good Idea.
<Davis_Motomiya> another tip is to put elemental digimon whose elements opose eachother
<Cody_Hida> Also each team should have a digimon that can fly, one that can swim, and one that is a good runner
<Davis_Motomiya> yeah thats true
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Allow me to explain. A long time ago, a dark force came forth and began to turn Digimon against their Analog Human companions. If it were not for a certain individual and his partner Digimon, the dark force would have ruled unopposed. That individual was a young Gennai. He and his Digimon stopped the dark force and sealed it within Infinity Mountain.
<Cody_Hida> to for the most effient terrain coverage.
<Davis_Motomiya> Well hurry and choose d00d
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks over her shoulder at the statue of Gennai.
<Cody_Hida> okay. I'm afraid I don't know too much about element types, but here is my decision.
<Davis_Motomiya> finally
-> *Taichi_Kamiya* I recommend involving the other three Digi-destined that seem to be just sitting around. Talk to them, boss them around like Tai would..something. ^^;;;
* Davis_Motomiya stands up and puts V mon down
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> The dark force swore revenge and caused the Digimon to revert to a Digi Egg. The dark force was clever, though. He created a firewall and left a Digi Egg of his own there, an heir to his dark power.
<Yamato_Ishida> Hey, you wouldn't try it Davis so don't get short with Cody
*Taichi_Kamiya* Well, we're also waiting to hear Cody's decision.
<Davis_Motomiya> heh
<Cody_Hida> one Team will have Sora Matt and me and the other will have Joe, Davis and TK
<Davis_Motomiya> right
* Sora_Takenouchi nods.
<Cody_Hida> Is this satisfactory everyone?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman>*snaps his fingers* Now the dark force has been reawakened and his conquest of the world that was once his shall begin anew.
<TK_Takaishi> Sounds good to me
* Davis_Motomiya nods
<Taichi_Kamiya> That sounds like a plan. Okay, everyone, you have your assignments, so let's do it!
<Yamato_Ishida> Sure.
-> *TK_Takaishi* Well, even if Kari's not here, you can still interact with Davis, I'm sure...^^
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Giromon floats out of hiding and grabs Mimi's Digivice, delivering it to Analogman.*
*TK_Takaishi* ...horay... ^^;;;
* Davis_Motomiya Signals TK and Joe to come to him
<Davis_Motomiya> Come you guys
<Taichi_Kamiya> Hey, wait a minute! What about me!?
*TK_Takaishi* Speak of the devil, Kari's online
<Yamato_Ishida> Tai, you coming with us?
<Cody_Hida> Oh, right!
* Cody_Hida sweatdrop
* Davis_Motomiya chuckles
<Sora_Takenouchi> ^^; Dont forget Tai
-> *TK_Takaishi* Yay!
<Davis_Motomiya> hey Tai can you with you Cody
-> *TK_Takaishi* Get her in here!
<Yamato_Ishida> How could we? He makes too much noise
<Davis_Motomiya> Joe, TK, and I should be alright
<Taichi_Kamiya> Oh, gee, thanks a lot!
*TK_Takaishi* Way ahead of you :P
* Yamato_Ishida hits Tai in the arm
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> I'll go along with you guys! *joins up with Davis' group*
* Davis_Motomiya nods
<Cody_Hida> Let'see. Youre with us, Tai!
-> *Kari_Kamiya* Yay! Hurry and join it!
<Davis_Motomiya> The more the merrier
-> *Kari_Kamiya* it=in
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Excellent, Giromon.
* Davis_Motomiya pulls out his Discman and pops in a CD
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> Thank you, my lord.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...ah!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> My Digivice!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Analogman snaps his fingers again and the Soulmon appear and grab Mimi and Palmon.*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> No you don't, Giromon!!! Poison ivy!!!
* Davis_Motomiya switches to track 3
<Cody_Hida> Oh! Never mind! 13 blushes and heads off with his team.
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks around at the Soulmon grabbing her arms.
<Davis_Motomiya> Good luck you guys
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Giromon cuts the Poison Ivy with his chainsaw.*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon!!!
* Mimi_Tachikawa yells across the room.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon, help!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Giromon> Don't get any funny ideas.
* Davis_Motomiya begins to walk away
<Cody_Hida> Thanks! We'll meet at igitamamon'r restaurant before sunset!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Mimi! *is restrained by some Soulmon*
<Davis_Motomiya> Right
* Joe_Kido picks up Gomamon and heads after Davis.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Don't worry, my dear Mimi. You will have the opportunity to be reunited with your friends soon enough.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Jewelmon trots after Davis.*
* Mimi_Tachikawa stops struggling, and looks to Analogman.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> know where they are?
*TK_Takaishi* ...I think she got booted offline... she'll be back in a few minutes
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Of course. I can see them, but they can't see us. That will soon change. *gestures* Take them away. We must prepare to greet our incoming guests.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The Soulmon nod and take Palmon and Mimi away.*
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks behind her shoulder, and shouts at Analogman.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Analogman sits in his chair calmly, looking at the Digivice in his hand.*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> You think you know what you're doing! The others are way stronger than I am!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> You don't know what you're getting yourself into!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Heheheheh, I don't think so, child.
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* Mimi_Tachikawa struggles.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Some time later, the two groups rejoin at Digitamamon's restaurant, each looking dismal.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> We didn't have one bit of good luck. How about you guys?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> You're in for the fight of your life, pal!
<Taichi_Kamiya> Not a clue of where Mimi is.
* Sora_Takenouchi shakes her head.
<Yamato_Ishida> <Gabumon> I found some candy!
<Cody_Hida> .. Candy? Where?
* Taichi_Kamiya looks at Gabumon, "That's a pine cone..."
<TK_Takaishi> We should have been able to find her no problem, I wonder how she could have wound up so far from us...
* Cody_Hida <Armadillomon> sighs. I almost thought it was a lead.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Suddenly, the Digivices start acting up.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> Huh? *looks at his* Hey, I think the barrier blocking Mimi's signal is down!
* Cody_Hida stares at his digivice and pulls it to his eyes.
* Mimi_Tachikawa sighs as she sits next to Palmon in a dungeon...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...great.
* Sora_Takenouchi sits down to think for a moment then notices her digivice. 1"Hey, you might be right."
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Agumon> That means we can find Mimi now!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...this is just perfect! Why did I have to be dragged into this place?!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> The castle wasn't even that nice-looking!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> I'm sorry, Mimi.
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks to Palmon.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> What for?
<Cody_Hida> So, how about we follow the signal before it's blocked again?
<Taichi_Kamiya> Right! Let's get going!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> 6*looks down to her roots* 1...I should've kept my guard up.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ....
* Mimi_Tachikawa rests the back of her head on the wall, and sighs.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Yeah.
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<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> 6*looks up*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Kariiiii!!!
<Sora_Takenouchi> (Hi Kari!)
<Kari_Kamiya> Hiya!!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> (yeep! Kariiiiiii!!)
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Hi!)
<Yamato_Ishida> (Hey Kari!)
* Cody_Hida gives packs a doggiebag for Armadillomon and starts running for the signal untill he notices a new bleeep
<Yamato_Ishida> (Where's my Gameboy?)
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> What is it?
<Mimi_Tachikawa>'re right. You should've kept your guard up.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> ...but...Mimiiii!
* Mimi_Tachikawa smiles, and looks to Palmon.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Well, what did you -want- me to say?
<Cody_Hida> Hey guys, there's a new signal. could it be Kari?
* Taichi_Kamiya looks at Cody's Digivice, "Yeah! Hey, tell her we'll meet her along the way to find Mimi!"
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon>'re supposed to...! Oh, never mind!
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<Mimi_Tachikawa> (...that wicked Pingmon...)
<Yamato_Ishida> Hey, where'd the signal go?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> (*grins at Joe* I'm surprised poor Joe hasn't been attacked yet. ^^;)
<Taichi_Kamiya> Must have been a disturbance with the Digiport.
<Cody_Hida> Sunspot activity?
<Sora_Takenouchi> (*seems to be immune to it.* o.o Its never hit me before. Now that I've said that, watch me go u.u;)
* Mimi_Tachikawa giggles, and pulls Palmon closer.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...silly.
* Taichi_Kamiya shrugs.
<Joe_Kido> (It got me earlier, Mimi. ^^;)
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...of course it's not your fault.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Just then, the cell door opens and a pair of Soulmon are on the other side.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Soulmon A> Come along. The master wishes to see you.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Soulmon B> Try anything funny and we'll make you regret it.
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks to Palmon.
<Cody_Hida> I think we should worry about Kari later. I have this bad feeling that Mimi could be in terrible Danger.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...well...?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> What choice do we have...?
* Mimi_Tachikawa and Palmon both pull down their lower right eyelid, and they stick out their tongues.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> & <Palmon> Biiiiiiiiida!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The Soulmon get angry and charge in.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Soulmon A> We warned you!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Soulmon B> Now you'll regret it!
* Mimi_Tachikawa and Palmon begin to wail.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Both Soulmon> Dark Claw!
* Mimi_Tachikawa screams. 1"PALMOOOON!!!!"
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The Soulmon reach out with their Dark Claws and grab the two.*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Mimi!!!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> OW!!! NOT SO ROUGH, YOU CLODS!!!
* Mimi_Tachikawa squirms.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> You're holding me too tight!
* Cody_Hida and Armadillomon start running into the horizon.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Soulmon A> If you had just come quietly, we wouldn't have had to do that.
*** Sora_Takenouchi has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Soulmon B> Yeah, we warned you what would happen.
<TK_Takaishi> (Guess she's not as immune as she thought)
<Taichi_Kamiya> (Yeah, but that was Peermon, not Pingmon.)
* Mimi_Tachikawa whines.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I WANNA GET OUT OF HEEERE!!!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The Soulmon carry Mimi and Palmon out of the dungeon.*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Mimi!!! Maybe if we're quiet, they'll go easy on us!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Yeah, right! That's what they all think! It makes no difference if we're silent!
* Mimi_Tachikawa overdramatically makes a fist.
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<Taichi_Kamiya> *Quite shortly, the Digidestined arrive at the entrance to a large maze. On the other side is a large castle...*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> If I'm going to be tortured, I'm going to do it loudly!
<Taichi_Kamiya> (WB!)
*** Mimi_Tachikawa sets mode: +o Sora_Takenouchi
<Sora_Takenouchi> (>.< Stupid aol crash!)
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> Now what...?
<Yamato_Ishida> (Ah! I know that one)
<Cody_Hida> ....<Armadillomon> I've got an Idea!
<Taichi_Kamiya> Well, they say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Let's just bust through and get Mimi!
*TK_Takaishi* Something must be wrong with Kari's connection, she keeps getting booted
-> *TK_Takaishi* Well, until then, you'll still need to interact.
<Cody_Hida> 13 <Armadillomon> Digivolves into <Digmon>
<Cody_Hida> <Armadillomon> GOLD RUSH!
* Mimi_Tachikawa screams at the top of her lungs.
<Taichi_Kamiya> Alright! You go, Digmon!
<Yamato_Ishida> Gabumon, something tells me we're going to need a bit of extra muscle. Digivolve!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The Soulmon carry the two into the entrance hall.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Excellent. They are coming just as I planned.
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<Taichi_Kamiya> You too, Agumon!
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon> GOLD RUSH SOME MORE!!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Agumon> Right! *Digivolves into MetalGreymon*
<Kari_Kamiya> (sorry, my comp threw me offline...)
* Cody_Hida Cody notices a new bleep
<Taichi_Kamiya> <MetalGreymon> Giga Blaster! *blows a section of the maze apart*
<Cody_Hida> I think Kari's back! I hope she can find us...
* Kari_Kamiya hears the battle and follows the sounds
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> I don't think he's listening, Mimi...
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon> No Problem! She''' just follow our dust!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I'LL -MAKE- HIM LISTEN!!!!
<Sora_Takenouchi> <Biyomon>Hey...I could fly around and look for her.
<Kari_Kamiya> Hi, is this a bad time?
<Yamato_Ishida> I'll go find Kari! We can use all the help we can get. C'mon Metal Garurumon!
<Taichi_Kamiya> It's perfect timing, Kari.
<Yamato_Ishida> Wow, speak of the devil
<Sora_Takenouchi> Kari! :)
<Cody_Hida> You're okay!
<Kari_Kamiya> Hi... So whats going on with the battle?
<TK_Takaishi> Glad you could make it, Kari
<Taichi_Kamiya> *With the combined efforts of Digmon and MetalGreymon, the maze is torn apart.*
<Kari_Kamiya> Yeah. Just a little confused. Hi T.K.!
<Cody_Hida> we're trying to blow through this maze.
<Taichi_Kamiya> We're on a rescue mission to get Mimi back!
<Kari_Kamiya> Okay!
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon> Care to help? GOLD RUSH!!
<Kari_Kamiya> Yep
<Taichi_Kamiya> Alright, everyone, let's go! *starts to head down the new pathway*
* Kari_Kamiya follows
<Taichi_Kamiya> (I just said the maze was torn apart. Take a look, Cody.)
<Taichi_Kamiya> *With the combined efforts of Digmon and MetalGreymon, the maze is torn apart.*
* TK_Takaishi and Patamon follow
* Sora_Takenouchi sweatdrops and follows. 1"I just hope they dont mind us destroying their maze... Although if they're badguys, I guess that doesnt matter much."
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> *quietly* you ever?
<Kari_Kamiya> We can always fix it later
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Analogman gestures and a gag appears around Mimi's and Palmon's mouths before they're tied up and hung from the ceiling.*
* Cody_Hida coughs Oh, yeah. I had to get the dust out of my eyes.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *The Digidestined burst through the front gates and see Mimi and Palmon hanging from the ceiling.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> Mimi! Palmon!
* Mimi_Tachikawa gets an infuriated look on her face as she tries to scream nasty things to Analogmon.
<Cody_Hida> Did they hurt you?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Mmmmmh!!!
<Sora_Takenouchi> Ohmygosh! What happened?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> So you are the Digidestined...not what I expected.
<Cody_Hida> Who?!
<Kari_Kamiya> Are you okay Mimi?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> .o0(That voice...where have I heard that voice...?)
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks down at the group, and gives them an annoyed look, and her muffled reply sounds something similar to "What took you so long?!"
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Mmmh! Mmmrmmmmrmrh!! (Translation: Do I -look- okay?!)
* Cody_Hida <Digmon> glances back at Jewelmon.
<Kari_Kamiya> I'll untie you
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> I am Analogman, the last of the Analog Humans and soon to be once more ruler of the Digital World!
<Kari_Kamiya> If I can figure out how...
* Sora_Takenouchi turns to the new person. 1"Analog Humans?"
<Yamato_Ishida> Another nut who wants to take over the Digiworld?
* Mimi_Tachikawa gets watery eyed, and whines.
* Kari_Kamiya looks at Analogmon
<Kari_Kamiya> what? Humans?
<TK_Takaishi> You aren't exactly the first to make that threat, you know
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Yes. Analog Humans are those that lack special attributes. I believe your friend, Gennai, explained that at one point. *gestures and the Gennai-statue appears*
<Cody_Hida> !!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> I...I'm starting to remember... A flood of memories coming back...
<Taichi_Kamiya> You... YOU MONSTER!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Not just any monster, but the once and future ruler of this world!
* Cody_Hida supports Jewelmon
<Kari_Kamiya> I have to agree! We have beaten people like you before
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> I remember now! *growls* Shed that disguise, you demon! Show your true form!
* Mimi_Tachikawa struggles some more, since it seems the group has forgotten that their precious Mimi who they were -originally- coming to rescue is still tied up...;.;
<Sora_Takenouchi> Huh? Disguise? Who is he?
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon>... Can we blast him now?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Analogman> Jewelmon, a pleasure to see you again. Very well! I show you my true form and power!
* Kari_Kamiya sneaks past everyone during the commotion
* Kari_Kamiya Takes the gag off of both of them
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Ah!
<Kari_Kamiya> better?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Whew!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I thought I was going to suffocate with that thing!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Analogman glows before bursting apart. The being in his place is a large Digimon looking much like a giant cross between Phantomon and SkullGreymon, a large sickle clenched in one bony hand.*
<Kari_Kamiya> Now how to get you down...
* Mimi_Tachikawa glances to the side.
<Cody_Hida> Digmon, go block this thing from mimi and Palmon until Kari frees them
<Mimi_Tachikawa>'s nice to know that at least -one- member of the team still remembers darling Mimi!!!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Dark Digimon> Behold my true nature and dread, for I am Jedomon, the unopposed ruler of the Dark Region and soon, the Digital World!
* Kari_Kamiya winces at the sight of the digimon
* Mimi_Tachikawa dramatically sighs.
<Kari_Kamiya> I'm trying Mimi. These are some tight ropes.
* Mimi_Tachikawa watches intensely at Dark Digimon.
* Cody_Hida gazes in horror.
<Kari_Kamiya> It's so... ugly
<Yamato_Ishida> ... What do you think Tai? Can we take this one too?
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> You're all a bunch of hot air, Jedomon! Jewel Cutter! *hurls his Jewel Cutter attack at Jedomon, but it's easily deflected. On a positive note, the attack does cut down Mimi and Palmon.*
<TK_Takaishi> Ugly isn't even half of it...
<Taichi_Kamiya> I don't know...
<Kari_Kamiya> T.K. do something.
* Mimi_Tachikawa yelps as she hits the floor.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Ouch!
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon> Is it worth a shot?
<Cody_Hida> I guess
* Mimi_Tachikawa wobbles up, and brushes off her sleeves.
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon> GOLD RUSH!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...with grace and skill...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> ::sweatdrops:: Mimi...
* Mimi_Tachikawa turns to Palmon.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jedomon> Hah! There is nothing you CAN do! Even with all your power combined, you still can not hope to defeat me!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Well, are you going to let the others steal the stage?! Digivolve already!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> I thought you'd never ask!!!
<TK_Takaishi> Okay. You're up, Patamon!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> Palmon...Digivolve to.....TOGEMON!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Jedomon turns the Gold Rush and turns it back on Digmon*
<Kari_Kamiya> <digimon> I can help!
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon> Uhf!
<Cody_Hida> Digmon, are you okay?
<TK_Takaishi> <Patamon> Finally! Patamon Digivolve to... Angemon!
<Taichi_Kamiya> MetalGreymon, time to go Mega!
<TK_Takaishi> <Angemon> Hand of Fate! *fires at Jedomon*
<Taichi_Kamiya> *MetalGreymon de-digivolves to Agumon, then Warp-Digivolves into WarGreymon!*
* Mimi_Tachikawa makes a fist, and points to Jedomon.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Togemon! Get that phony good for how he treated us!
<Kari_Kamiya> <Gatomon> I'm going to digivolve! Gatomon Digivolve to Angewomon
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jedomon> Fools! *breaks the Hand of Fate attack with his sickle before slashing Angemon with it*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Togemon> Let's give him a taste of needle spray!
<Kari_Kamiya> <Angewomon> Heavens Charge!
<TK_Takaishi> <Angemon> Agh! *falls backwards*
-> *Joe_Kido* Are you watching, or doing something else here...? ^^;
<Taichi_Kamiya> <WarGreymon> Terra Force! *launches the attack, but like the others, it and the other attacks get turned back to strike their users*
<Cody_Hida> Angewomon!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jedomon> You are weak, Digidestined! And to think, my heir, Apocolymon was defeated so easily by you!
<Kari_Kamiya> Yikes!
<Taichi_Kamiya> Apocalymon!?!
* Joe_Kido gapes. "Apocalymon was his *heir*?"
<Sora_Takenouchi> What?!
* Kari_Kamiya gives dumbfounded look while tending to Gatomon. "No way!"
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...he can't!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jedomon> Now it is my turn! Dark Mist! *creates a black mist which overcomes the Digimon, sapping their strength and causing them to revert to their regular forms.*
<Cody_Hida> <Digmon> Apoca...?
<Cody_Hida> I think he was a bit before our time.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> <Palmon> strength...
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon!
<Yamato_Ishida> Gabumon!
<Taichi_Kamiya> Agumon, no!
<TK_Takaishi> Patamon!
<Cody_Hida> Armadillomon!
<Cody_Hida> can you move? can you speak?
* Kari_Kamiya Glares at Jedomon "Poor Digimon! You should pick on someone your own size!"
<Sora_Takenouchi> (wah! I was trying to type up my poses, but I kept missing! ;_; I never got to digivolve! Now i dont even get to undigivolve! o.o;)
* Mimi_Tachikawa kneels next to Palmon.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jedomon> It is over, Digidestined. You are finished!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> (We'll assume it happened...? ^^;)
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Palmon! Don't move!
<Sora_Takenouchi> (wai! Thankies! *hug*)
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> It's not over just yet, Jedomon! Gem Beam! *fires the beam into the chandalier, creating a blinding flash*
<Cody_Hida> oO0(So soon? this can't be right!)
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jedomon> GAH!
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> Now's our chance! Run for it!
<Sora_Takenouchi> Biyomon, are you ok? Comeon, lets go!
* Cody_Hida picks up Armadillomon and runs for the exit, checking to se if anyone
* Kari_Kamiya picks up Gatomon and runds
* Cody_Hida else needs help.
<Yamato_Ishida> <Gabumon> I can take him! 6swings in mid air
* Taichi_Kamiya picks up Agumon and heads for the door.
<Yamato_Ishida> We'll finish him off later, c'mon Gabumon!
* Sora_Takenouchi grabs Biyomon and runs too.
* Mimi_Tachikawa picks up Palmon, and begins to run.
* TK_Takaishi picks up Patamon and follows
<Mimi_Tachikawa> Let's make tracks, people!
* Joe_Kido grabs Gomamon and follows everyone to the exit.
<Kari_Kamiya> Don't have to tell me twice!
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Jewelmon backs up to the door, keeping his Gem Beam fixed on the chandelier, then when everyone else is gone, stops and makes a run for it too.*
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jedomon>*lowering his hand* This isn't over, Jewelmon... You shall regret interfering this time. Mark my words.
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Some distance away, the Digidestined stop to assess the situation.*
* Mimi_Tachikawa rests Palmon on her lap.
<Kari_Kamiya> I don't like the look of things brother... any ideas on what to dO?
* Kari_Kamiya pets Gatomon's fur gently
* Cody_Hida is feeding Armadillomon the contents of the doggiebag he got a while ago.
<Sora_Takenouchi> *panting, trying to catch her breath* I dont think .... this is how things ... are supposed to go. Arent we ... supposed to work our way ... up to a hard fight?
<Taichi_Kamiya> Okay, so what's the situation? We've got an extremely big and powerful Digimon as an enemy now, our own Digimon are powerless against it, and we have no other options...
*TK_Takaishi* You wouldn't happen to know Seraphimon's attack, would you? ^^;
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> I remember how Gennai and I stopped Jedomon before.
<Yamato_Ishida> Yeah? Lets have it
<Kari_Kamiya> How?
<Cody_Hida> and <Armadillomon>... ??
-> *TK_Takaishi* Star shower?
<Sora_Takenouchi> <biyomon> *nods* What did you do?
-> *TK_Takaishi* ...wait, I'm wrong! Gosh!
*TK_Takaishi* That's Pegususmon
-> *TK_Takaishi* That's Pegususmon...--;
<Kari_Kamiya> <gatomon> *I sure would like to know*
-> *TK_Takaishi* I'm sorry, I don't recall.
*Joe_Kido* Umm...biding? 0.o I'm trying to stay involved, honest...
-> *Joe_Kido* Beg your pardon?
*TK_Takaishi* It's ok... They didn't use it in the movie but some attacks get out and people know them anyway
* Mimi_Tachikawa sighs, and looks to Joe. 1"How's Gomamon doing?"
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> You see, there are these five items. One is the Digi-Saber of Justice and the other four are these special stones called Elemental Gems. Each represent one of the four forces of nature: earth, wind, fire, and water. When these items are brought together, I can Digivolve to my Mega form, Sirrumon. Unfortunately, I felt the Gems in the hands of Jedomon, so I can imagine he has seperated them, divided them amongst his four
<Kari_Kamiya> ohh
<Taichi_Kamiya> Chaos Generals? Who are they?
*Sora_Takenouchi* rofl! I'm sorry, but 4 chaos generals just sounds SO slayers XD
*Joe_Kido* I'm watching what everyone else is doing and taking my cues from them...
-> *Joe_Kido* Ah. ^^ Welpers, I'll get you more involved.
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks down to Palmon, who seems...well...completely zoned out. ^^;
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...she looks sick...
<Kari_Kamiya> ...all of them do, and I don't know how to help...
* Joe_Kido leans over to peer at Palmon. "She does look like she's wilting."
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> Fierce Digimon who have sworn their alligence to Jedomon. With them coupled with his own dark powers, he did manage to take over the Digital World and ruled with a dark fist until Gennai and I defeated him. They will fight to the end in order to serve their master and protect the Gems from being united against him again.
* Kari_Kamiya looks at Patomon "Is he doing okay?"
*Yamato_Ishida* How long does this chat go on for?
* Sora_Takenouchi pats Biyomon on the head lightly.
* Cody_Hida scratches Armadillomon behind the ears. All our Digimon our tired or sick, and it looks like there's a long, hard fight
<Cody_Hida> waiting for us.
<TK_Takaishi> *holding Patamon* Yeah, just really out of it, he took a bad shot from Jedomon...
-> *Yamato_Ishida* As long as I can stay on, for myself...
* Taichi_Kamiya stands up, clenching a fist tightly, "Then we have to find these Chaos Generals and get the Gems back from them!"
<Kari_Kamiya> Okay, as long as he will be okay. Gatmon seemed alert for a minute and then kinda fell asleep
* Mimi_Tachikawa fwaps Joe on the shoulder, and whines. 1"You're not helping! You're supposed to say 'I'm sure she'll be fine, Mimi!' or 'You're taking good care of her, Mimi!'"
<TK_Takaishi> Guess even DigiCats act the same
<Kari_Kamiya> How hard can it be after Myotismon, Dark Masters, and Ken
* Joe_Kido flinches. "I'm just giving you my honest opinion!"
* Mimi_Tachikawa folds her arms.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> You're no help.
<Kari_Kamiya> I guess so... Digi hampsters are not the same though...
<Yamato_Ishida> ... Gabumon...
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Jewelmon shakes his head, "All the Digimon before Jedomon were just servants until his dark will, none superior to his might. This is not going to be easy at all. If you're going to go through with this, you must be serious for once you begin, there's no turning back."
<Taichi_Kamiya> I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't become one of the Digidestined sitting around and doing nothing. I'm in this until the very end!
<TK_Takaishi> Yeah... He just needs some rest, then Patamon will be back to normal... I hope...
* Kari_Kamiya nods "I agree"
<Yamato_Ishida> Yeah, no good doing this half cocked
<Kari_Kamiya> I'm with you Tai!
* Sora_Takenouchi nods as well. 1"Thats the spirit. We can beat him if we all put in everything we've got!"
* Cody_Hida feels tears forming in his eyes. and hums in agreement. 1 If you're willing, I won't
<Cody_Hida> ever give up!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...of course...!
* Mimi_Tachikawa makes a fist.
* Joe_Kido adjusts his glasses and nods. "It's part of our job, isn't it? So you can count on me."
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I'll never forgive that jerk for throwing me around like he did!
<Kari_Kamiya> You in T.K.?
* Joe_Kido 's head snaps towards Mimi. "He did *what*?!"
<TK_Takaishi> Always, I'm not giving up this easily!
<Kari_Kamiya> Great!
* Mimi_Tachikawa blinks innocently.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> He had his henchmen grab me and throw me around like dirty laundry.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> It was very insulting.
<Taichi_Kamiya> Then it's settled! Jedomon's going to go down one way or anyother!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> He even did it to Palmon!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...poor wonder she's exhausted.
* Mimi_Tachikawa dabs her eyes dramatically.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon> You would risk your own lives to save this world?
* Joe_Kido fumes. "He can't get away with that!"
<Kari_Kamiya> He doesn't stand a chance
<Mimi_Tachikawa> We princesses can't handle such rough treatment.
* Mimi_Tachikawa holds up an index finger.
<Taichi_Kamiya> You bet! If it wasn't for the Digivices coming to us, we never would have made so many friends here!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> ...he won't. I thought we decided on that. O.o;
<Kari_Kamiya> You bet we will!
<Cody_Hida> <Armadillomon> Hey, Cody? Could you give the rest of this food To Palmon? I think she needs it more than I do.
<Taichi_Kamiya> <Jewelmon>*smiling* Thank you all, my new friends. You all remind me in your own ways of Gennai and myself...
<Cody_Hida> You honor us.
* Kari_Kamiya pleasent smile "Your very welcome"
* Mimi_Tachikawa puts a hand to her face, and smiles.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> That's so sweet!
* Mimi_Tachikawa winks jokingly.
<Taichi_Kamiya> Okay then! Watch out, Jedomon! The Digidestined are back and are going to make you wish you never came back!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> But I do hope I'm better-looking! ^.-
<Kari_Kamiya> Yeah!
<Yamato_Ishida> Heh
<Kari_Kamiya> Mimi, you look fine ^_^
* Cody_Hida walks up to Mimi and gives her the rest of his food.1 Armadillomon wants Palmon to have this.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> fine's not good enough, Kari-dear!
* Mimi_Tachikawa looks at the food, and holds it.
* Mimi_Tachikawa smiles at Cody. 1"You're just too cute, you know that?"
* Kari_Kamiya confused... "Was always good enough for me...
<Taichi_Kamiya> *Narrator: What lies in store for the Digidestined in their new battle to save the Digital World? Tune in to the next exciting episode of Digimon: Digital Monsters!*
<Taichi_Kamiya> ***TO BE CONTINUED...***
<Yamato_Ishida> Good show everyone!
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Great job, everyone! Very dramatic!<
<Mimi_Tachikawa> wow. ^^; First episode is through? ^^
<Yamato_Ishida> DO we need to strike now?
* Mimi_Tachikawa folds her arms, and glares at the guys.
<Kari_Kamiya> That was fun
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I was hoping for a romantic rescue scene.
<Taichi_Kamiya> Yep, the new saga has begun.
<Sora_Takenouchi> hai
* Mimi_Tachikawa clears her throat.
<Sora_Takenouchi> lol
<Cody_Hida> How were we?
<Kari_Kamiya> lol, sorry
* Mimi_Tachikawa sighs whistfully.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I'll survive! I'll find other opportunities!
* Kari_Kamiya glares at the guys "They left it up to me"
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Very true to form. Just make sure to get lots of rest now. Can't have you passing out in the middle of a dramatic scene, now can we?"
* Cody_Hida ...Sorry Kari. Mimi.
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Don't blame Tai. He didn't have a lot of important lines this time.<
* Mimi_Tachikawa links an arm with Kari, and gives the boys a criticizing look.
<Taichi_Kamiya> WHAT!?!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> It's okay, Kari.
<Mimi_Tachikawa> they'll learn.
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Hey, I just call 'em like I see 'em, kid.<
<Kari_Kamiya> Yep, they have to!
<Cody_Hida> >Maybe We'll do better next time. All together, Good show, Eh wot?<
<Kari_Kamiya> Staying in charector is slightly difficult...
<Yamato_Ishida> Well, I'm packing it in gang. G'night!
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Yes, very good. Well, you'll have to excuse me. I have another engagement. Come along, Tai.<
<Cody_Hida> THat went along real well. How can I get a log of this ep?
<Taichi_Kamiya> WAGH! *gets yanked out as BMZ leaves*
*** Yamato_Ishida has quit IRC (Leaving)
<Taichi_Kamiya> >Talk to TK or Mimi about that. Laterz!<
<Cody_Hida> Bye,Tai.
<Kari_Kamiya> >I need a log of what I missed<
*** Taichi_Kamiya has left #DigimonRPG
<TK_Takaishi> One sec, I'll get one ready...
<Cody_Hida> hey, Mimi? Will you put copies of the transcripts online?
<Mimi_Tachikawa> yeah, I will!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I'm going to head out myself.
<Kari_Kamiya> Bye Mimi
<Mimi_Tachikawa> I need to do a few other chores and goodies before eating dinner...
<Sora_Takenouchi> bai!
<Mimi_Tachikawa> laters!
<Cody_Hida> night mimi.
<Sora_Takenouchi> *hugs*
<Mimi_Tachikawa> see you next week, Lord-willing.

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